Berliners Boot Slap join forces with vocalist Ora Solar for two effervescent, highly spirited cuts, along equally exciting remixes from MFR head honchos My Favorite Robot themselves and label affiliate Jonny Cruz, as well as Greek phenom Echonomist.

Title track “You Are Good” spells lush from inception: both the sensuous vocals of electronic vocalist Ora Solar and the conspicuos teeming acoustics combine into a playful, minimal-overarching steamy cut. It’s a release filled with big build ups, intense peak points and massive breakdowns and “State Of Freak” is no exception. The second cut of the release dives into techno territory with its unrelenting bassline and array of glitching synths. A machine-like vocal loop adds to the dynamic and enhances the dance factor, appearing in key moments.

“You Are Good” is available on April 26th, via Cacao Records.




Artist: Boot Slap, Ora Solar
Title: You Are Good EP
Label: Cacao Records
Release Date: 2019-04-26




– jbravo
Juany Bravo

Senior Editor