[New Release] Hello, deliciousness. DeadEcho (yes, another duo!) cooks up a spunky, bouncy EP on My Favorite Robot who, by the way, is having an absolutely incredible year on the whole as a label.


James Teej offers up a deepened remix to the original title track, and definitely lives up to the anticipation we reported about it back in January.  The snares in the remix give it a very live, rock feel but the synths and vocal sample add the very out-of-this world element that’ll leave you high in the clouds. Bringing you back to four-on-the-floor is Tim Paris’s excellent tech house remix of “Milkshake.” The best part is that it is barely identifiable as the descendent of the original, which gives each a pedestal all their own. There is no competition between the two, as they’re both unique and sassy. You could even play them back to back.


The last track, “Speed Demon,” throws a wrench in the machinery, slowing the EP down significantly, but it’s so funky and unexpected it doesn’t even matter where it came from or why it’s there; it wraps up the collection of tracks perfectly.  DeadEcho certainly outdid themselves on this one — they’ve created a truly outstanding release for you disco dancers to enjoy.


Artist: DeadEcho
Label: My Favorite Robot
Catalog No.: MFR051


