[New Mix] Jay Haze‘s energy is infectious and sincere. In his message in music and the deeper meaning of life, he explores political, economical, cultural and emotional issues with such individuality and enthusiasm that as an artist he is in a niche all of his own. His contribution to Fabric’s compilation series, fabric47 back in 2009 launched his new campaign, DJ’s for DRC, to help victims in the war-torn Congo. Donating all of his money from the CD sales toward the charity Merlin, Jay’s been a key player encouraging a number of other DJ’s to donate money from gigs. This year Jay set up Red Dot Relief which rallies DJ support for Japan and joining him on the RDR bandwagon is Visionquest and Crosstown Rebels crew and newbie Radioslave.

A little about the mix from Jay Haze…
I haven’t done a proper mix in a while, so it was great fun to put this together. Whenever I do a mix I try and make it different- do something special. So on this specific mix I was happy to premier the new Hollis P. Monroe track “Flashback” which is the first release under the “Music 2.0” platform. It’s a lovely song reminding us of those moments we wish to turn back to. Hollis and crew shot a video in proper 8mm film to highlight the concept. Check the link for the video. Hollis and I go way back to Philly days! Full circle anyone?

For the rest of the mix, I tried to make it groovy and flow through all the different types of dance music I like – Also, I featured an intro and a song by Colombian Palenque artist Sixto Salgado, if you haven’t heard about these people its worth informing yourself. They are a tribe living in the mountains of Colombia, but are ex- slaves preserving traditional culture. Yes you heard that right- a dark black culture of Africans living as they originally did in Africa, in the mountains of Colombia!

I thought this mix would be a good place to introduce these people to the heads who have yet to discover, in fact just made a remix of an artist from there, which will come out on Soul Jazz records in London. Overall I guess it’s a mix of house music with soul and one that pays respect to ‘real’ music!(via Fabriclondon.com)
