How are you, what’s good, what’s bad right now?
Without a doubt, we are currently going through unprecedented and historic times. The bad part is the health situation, the drama that children are experiencing and obviously the impact on all entire economic sectors, ours included. On the other hand, there are also good things: We are all spending more time with family and close friends, as well as being able to spend more time in the studio to produce new ideas.  
How weird is it writing music for clubs without any clubs?
This is very challenging indeed! Today, we purely rely on our imagination, without forgetting where each of us, DJ’s / producers, came from, with all the unique experiences each of us has. 
How did you link with Aurel Asllanaj for the new “adagio for strings” single?
Aurel and I were friends long before. We collaborated already in the past and in this case, we both love the Tiesto version. So, almost for fun, we started our own and once the track was finished, we convinced ourselves to the point of publishing it.
How much of the original is sampled or re-played here?
We re-played everything, we didn’t want to sample anything, just to give our touch.
Why choose that tune for a sort of cover version? What does the original mean to you?
The original made the history of techno-trance music without any doubt. In the past, I loved it a lot, like so many. Sampling the original was a sacrilege, we didn’t want to do it, rather we preferred to have a different approach by making a cover of it.
What gear did you use to write the tune? Are you a hardware or software person?
I always use analogue and digital, and in this version, we have worked the melody exclusively with analogue.
Are you formally trained? There are plenty of lush melodies and chords on the single?
I come from a family of musicians, my dad is a keyboard player, so I learned a lot from him, I still remember his Oberheim Matrix 12… I was crazy about it. Regarding the track in the details, we stick to the Tiesto version as much as possible, adding just a few more notes in the drop.
Do we need melodic house more than ever in these dark times?
In my opinion, right now we need things properly done and with personality. Good music is good music regardless of the genre if the quality of the product is great. I listen to many genres, including experimental ones, and what I expect is an increase in quality in general. We all have a lot of time to spend in the studio and I expect that.
What else have you got coming up/are you working on?
I am working hard to plan the next Ambivert’s releases, and also we will release my second track on Blazer Records titled “Steve Jobs”. It’s a track slightly different from the things done before, and which contains a positive and universal message of one of the brightest minds of the new century, and I hope everyone can take inspiration from that.

Buy Sassa & Aurel Asllanaj single “Adagio For Strings” released on Blazer Records Here

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