We have always been fans of Get Physical.
We were playing in Moscow end of 2017 and we met Philip Yung. We had a great human connection and we decided to send him some of our work. That is how we released “just let go” in summer 2018.
Do you each have any hobbies outside of music that inspire your productions?
Of course, we have lots of hobbies
We both love kinetic art and we work a lot on building strong visuals for our event MINDGAME.
Alex loves photography and dramatic art.
Adrian is very classical music-oriented.
This is why we work hard on exploring our personal productions on a deeper level.
We do our best to be authentic to what we like without really looking at what’s going on around us. Isolation and being grounded is a priority in our lives
How does producing together differ from DJing together? Is there a different synergy when performing?
We have a great connection together and our audience. We produce and play music for the people to feel good and release tensions for their daily lives. It’s all about the mental journey and good energy.
Did the pandemic change your approach to your art in any way? How do you feel about access to the world opening up again?
Yes, the pandemic was a massive shift for us. We wanted to be surrounded by good vibes and we stepped out of our comfort zone.
We had so much time to be creative that it was obvious things were not going to be the same. It directly Impacted our music style.
Now that the world is open again we can offer our audience this new frequency and that is a gift.
What’s coming next in your schedule? Besides the follow-up singles, do you have anything else coming up you’d like to share?
To be honest we will see what’s coming next. We appreciated a lot the time we had for ourselves working on our music and personal development. The hard thing now is to keep making music and travel for touring.
But our priority is to release the music of our new label MINDGAME RECORDS and keep developing label nights around the world.