Our latest installment of our Hometown Heroes series sheds a spotlight on our very own San Diego favorites, the Desert Hearts crew. Desert Hearts is perfectly self-described as

Way more than just a party – we are a family, a community, a movement of love celebrating life with beats. A place where acceptance, creativity and passions flourish. It’s a gathering of open-minded and like-minded individuals. A place to get inspired by one another. A place for friendships to glow and blossom. A safe haven away from Babylon where everyone can be themselves and do what makes then happy. One stage, one vibe, one beautiful family.

With a major focus on cutting edge house and techno, incorporating the best Funktion-One sound system, beautiful decor, art, artists, performers, yoga, Tai Chi, sound healing, and much more we are constantly striving to go above and beyond to create a truly magical family experience. We put in our all, dedicating endless hours of our time to creating a beautiful place where our community can flourish through dance and connect with nature and the most beautiful of people.

As regular attendees here at Music is 4 Lovers, we can attest to the truly magical experience that Desert Hearts offers: one that leaves you on the happiest high.

For more information check out these amazing pieces about Desert Hearts on:

Pulse Radio –> Here
mybeatfix –> Here


If you still need to purchase tickets to their November 8-11 campout, they are now available for sale via Pulse Radio –> Here


We sat down with the men behind the music, Mikey Lion, MARBS (Matt Marbella), Lee Reynolds, and Porkchop (David Leon) for a little fun and a little insight into all that is Desert Hearts …

1 / Describe Desert Hearts in three words:

All:  House, Techno, & Love

2 / Favorite part(s) about a desert party:

Lee: The people
Marbs: The community
Porky: The incredible vibe

3 / Favorite drink in the desert:

Mikey: Sexy Champagne
Lee & Marbs: Bloody Mary, duhhh
Porky: Maui Coconut Porter

4 / Favorite food:

Mikey: Anything anyone will feed me
Lee: Mexican
Marbs: I like trying things I’ve never had before. People have some realty delicious food out there.
Porky: Hmm tough decision.. sushi or bacon

5 / Favorite track right now for DH vibes:

Mikey: Phonique – Vincent Price
Marbs: Tim Green – Just People
Lee: Komaton – Dehunt
Porky: Eric Volta – Love Your Illusion

6 / go to track always for the desert:

Mikey: Audiofly – Sunrise BCN
Marbs: Davi – Two Suns In The Sky
Robert Babicz – Come Closer
Fantastic Diversion (Maetrik Remix) – Chris Fortier

7 / Favorite DH memory or moment so far:

Mikey: Surviving the 20 degree nights of the first Desert Hearts only to be rewarded with the most beautiful sunrise party of all time
Marbs: Our first year we had sound issues – our original booking never showed up. Had to cold call everyone we knew with little to no service in the Mojave. Mikey got a hold of Sammy Bliss who got us in contact with Brad Funk Works. By the time the sound got there we were well behind schedule and then we had generator issues. The whole first night was a headache… But what we started to notice was that all the attendees were gathering around the fire telling stories, cuddling, and laughing. While we were stressed out, everyone else was becoming a family. This type of optimism is what sparked the close knit family vibe that we still carry out today. Some people actually said that the sound issues brought everyone more together and made the party better in the end. That’s when I knew this was something special. It was a blessing in disguise.
Lee: The overwhelming positive response we received from our first event.
Porky: Having multiple people tell me that we changed their lives after the first event.

8 / Favorite set from DH so far:

Mikey: Jimpster’s 6 hour set at Tropical Hearts. Absolute perfection.
Marbs: Jimpster’s marathon set Sunday morning at Tropical Hearts
Lee: Too many good ones to pick!
Porky: Anytime Lee Reynolds is on the decks

9 / Who are you most excited for the 1 year:

Mikey: Noir & Marc Houle
Marbs: Marc Houle
Lee: Everyone on the line up, doesn’t look like I’ll be getting much sleep!
Porky: Mother fuckin’ Marc Houle!

10 / Number one dream DJ/producer you would like to have play DH for the future: 

Mikey: Super Flu
Marbs: Tale of Us or Richie Hawtin
Lee: Mihai Popoviciu
Porky: Anyone on Monaberry – Super Flu/Monkey Safari/Andhim

11 / Favorite time to play during a desert party:

Mikey: My favorite slot is right around 10pm on Saturday night so I can set the vibe for the rest of the night
Marbs: Right after sunset on Saturday or late night like 3am
Lee: Saturday at Midnight
Porky: Late night… Techno Time

12 / Go to desert steeze item:

Mikey: My motherfuckin’ top hat!
Marbs: Anything comfy n cozy
Lee: My gold Mayan necklace
Porky: My Re:Mode hoody shirts

13 / Any last words … 

Mikey: I still can’t believe we’ve come so far in just a year. It’s so surreal you have no idea…
Marbs: This past year had been hands down the best year of my life. I can’t wait for the years to come. See you soon
Lee: Desert Hearts is a movement inspired by music and love
Porky: Thank you to all of our supporters.. We couldn’t have done this special gathering without you guys


And with that … we leave you to get lost in the music …



Connect with Desert Hearts:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/WeAreDesertHearts
Soundcloud: @desert-hearts-music
Website: DesertHearts.us

Connect with Mikey Lion:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MikeyLionMusic
Soundcloud: @mikeylion

Connect with MARBS:
Soundcloud: @marbs

Connect with Lee Reynolds:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/djleereynolds
Soundcloud: @lee_reynolds

Connect with Porkchop:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Porkchopmusicpage
Soundcloud: @porkchop-deserthearts



– Minxxx // Michelle Samtoy