While other labels were putting out their year-in-reviews list, the Dirtybird label had a different idea on how to contribute to the new year. Poppa Dirybird, Claude VonStroke and the Dirtybird crew have released an album of all new music featuring a few familiar names and some freshman talent.

Over a decade the label has continually been a staple in everyone’s playlist; from house, tech-house, to booty bass, and even drum and bass. This compilation of seven tunes is no different. It has the feels of Ardalan, Genghis Clan, and Nick Olivetti (who have been on the labels in the past) and the new additions, Frenchman Sirus Hood, German producer David Keno, My Cat Snoop, and Jaded. Between them all; mesmerizing drum rolls, banging bass-lines, and love to keep it weird vocal samples, there will be no disappointment in this thirty-six minutes of listening. The clubs will be sure to thank them!


Artist: ArdalanSirus HoodWood HollySage ArmstrongJadedDavid KenoNick OlivettiMy Cat SnoopGenghis ClanMikey V
Release Date: 2015-12-28
Catalog No.:  DB131