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Photo Credit: Christopher Soltis, Nightmoves Photography
Movement weekend in Detroit is always an overwhelming time, presenting moments of pure musical elation as well as unexpected challenges. We are humbled every year by the city’s rich creative history, continued perseverance and the ability to openly welcome the chaos that ensues when thousands of global dance music fans descend on its Hart in search of meaning, and here are some lessons we learned from this memorable long weekend…
2014 seemed more crowded than those past, and it is easy to become frustrated with crowds, lines and even lengthy DJ sets-but, in Detroit patience is necessary. Need to move to another stage and have a sea of people to get through? Dance through the crowd and you will find that those beings you viewed as obstacles from afar are your comrades, in tune with a unified beat. Long line for the afterparty, bar or bathroom? Mingle and get acquainted with the likeminded souls around you. Looking back, you realize that the Movement experience is a holistic one and life happens between the beats.
Yes, many of us are fortunate enough to roll deep, but with so much going on-in a relatively manageable downtown area- sometimes it is necessary to strike out on your own and take charge of the festival experience you traveled for. As each day passes with little rest and nourishment, it is important to gain a more acute insight into your own necessities for your physical and mental stability. As luck would have it, you are your best partner in crime, forging the musical path that uplifts your true, unique internal harmony-and that’s a beautiful discovery.
Sure, we prioritize the artists we want to see, plan out our stage maneuvers and buy presale tickets- yet these plans are all based on expectations that do not always match up with reality. Damian Lazarus’s set wasn’t as dynamic as you hoped? Head out of Beatport in time for DBX’s live performance at Made In Detroit. More exhausted than expected on Sunday night? Overcrowded afters got you down? Get a good night’s rest and feel refreshed for an early romp at Old Miami or final festival day. Scheduling is important, but change is inevitable and usually leads to the most enlightening discoveries.
Speakers are loud, and if you haven’t realized the lasting damage you are causing hugging the stacks for hours on end then you need to get a clue. Each stage’s sound is meant to go the distance, and standing even remotely close to the front for prolonged periods of time will have you feeling like you are living underwater throughout the weekend and beyond. With so many options of quality earplugs that still amplify musical nuances, there is no excuse to not utilize these little lifesavers, especially if you are planning on carrying music with you on your life path…AMEN.
In an industry trending on the profane, catering to a society that relies on a digital interface to express and connect, presence is an obscure rarity. Our devices have the majority of us fooled and it was pleasing to be a part of a genuinely charismatic crowd who seemed more interested in experiencing than documenting. Although Movement attracts an extremely multifaceted range of followers, identifying with conscious people happened naturally and with sensorial awareness came a fulfilling, immersive experience.
Detroit is powerful. Its manic economic history and rich cultural vibrance award an edge that both intimidates and inspires. A sense of pride tells a story- peering through abandoned shop windows, narrated by animated cab drivers and talented street performers, reminding us of the challenging and uplifting transformations life constantly reveals. Combining festival hedonism with the realities of legitimate hardship is a difficult and gratifying notion to accept, and we remain eternally grateful for the opportunity to honor such a unifying sound each year in the incredible city of Detroit.
Many Thanks
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