[Release]  It’s immeasurable and immense how much I wish I had been able to experience the life changing experience and bliss that was Burning Man this year. Although I’ve always wanted to go in the past, this year was different … about 50 of my closest friends, those I call family, all journeyed out to the playa … and although some of us didn’t make it, our family carried us there in their hearts and souls. Self-professed and self-proclaimed underground music junkies, our Mi4L family found )’(ome in none other than the infamous Robot Heart.

Robot Heart is the mecca for anyone in love with this type of music. To make the pilgrimage to the playa, to make the trek and follow the sounds of love radiating out of the Robot Heart Bus, through the dark desert … to come upon a mass of people all there for the same reason, the music. Robot Heart has been around fueling parties on playa, in NYC, Hong Kong and San Francisco, spreading their love and the bringing together music lovers worldwide … so, it is only fitting that they finally have their own anthem. A lyrical shrine to the holy Robot Heart and all it stands for. It is only too fitting that this masterpiece was constructed by some of the leading and most influential producers in underground, Sirs Jonny White & Kenny Glasgow of Art Department and heads of No.19 Music, the twisted lord of darkness Damian Lazarus – the head of Crosstown Rebels, sir Shaun Reeves – 1/4 of Visionquest‘s leading men, and BLUD. This track embodies the vibe and energy of Robot Heart and entrances and transports you with each beat. Featuring BLUD’s Deep Playa Remix and an Instrumental Mix, this EP is a must purchase for any music lover.




Artist: Art Department, Damian Lazarus, Shaun Reeves, BLUD
Title: Robot Heart
Label: No. Music
Release Date: November 19
Catalog: NO19029






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