“Please note: this album is intended as a listening experience. This is not a “DJs tool”. This is not music for dancefloors, but music for hearts & minds….” 

UK mystery maestro A Sagittariun produces with a purpose, a message, taking the craft to a more pensive and serious level for the bedroom listening universal dreamer.  His bold approach to artistry is commendable, and his debut album on his own Elastic Dreams imprint will awaken your senses to something new.

“Crystallization” sees a fine collaboration with veteran guitarist Skip McDonald, creating a meditative gem that washes you in tranquility before leading you into a trance induced flow through the choppy waters of “V4641 Sgr.” The steadily climbing “Conquering Lions” fuses a break driven beat and dreamy essence for an organic feel while intensity is then lifted and dubbed out with “Seven Locks.”

“The South Node” picks up depth and momentum for an erratic journey and A Sagittariun keeps it deep through “Trine’s” celestial groove and preaches freedom with rhetorical prowess in “The Age of Sin.”  Throwin’ it back for some acidic broken beats, “Year Of The Ox” slips distinctively down “The Mind Has No Time,” that pops like a cinematic bubble over the spiraling beauty of “Lucid Dream.”  Closing out this astral journey, “Network Restoration” grounds you back on your feet after a crazy ride that lingers long after its conclusion.

Restless, open minded, jovial, spiritual – A Sagittariun embodies his astrological charm in this cosmic listening experience and I suggest you take the leap.

 Purchase directly from the artist HERE!

“I think dreams make us want to cuddle in the morning…”

Also, check out the dream weaver’s recent, brooding mix for Hypercolour‘s Rinse FM show <3