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Few labels have been greeted with such fanfare recently as Mark Horsey, Max Chapman & AJ Christou’s fledgling Resonance imprint. Having already played host to the likes of Alex Arnout, Dale Howard, Waifs & Strays and Matt Fear, the quintessentially British label is being widely touted as one of 2013’s biggest success stories thus far. Their most recent release arrives courtesy of the most capable hands of labels newcomers Walker & Royce, who together will the majestically named Pow! Pow!, serve up RR011, the Drive E.P. And what a journey it brings us on.
The deep strands of the original come equipped and fully loaded with a barrage of quite brilliant synth line and an indecipherable vocal that adds more than a dose of heady gloss. Birmingham native, Below man and One Records boss Adam Shelton then crops up on remix duties, as he brings ”Drive” to deeper territories still, on a remix that’s noticeable for its ominous overtones. Label mainstays No Artificial Colours do their own reputation no harm whatsoever on their remix, a solid tech-house workout made all the better by its sporadic vocal charges and stringent edge. ”Poindexter” then completes the potent equation, with its firm dance floor mannerisms and bizarre, head-scratching, Seth Troxler-esque vocals sure to induce smiles aplenty on the floor. Expert stuff from the Resonance camp.
Artist: Walker & Royce
Title: Drive EP
Label: Resonance Records
Catalog No.: RR011
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