Gerd Jansen’s Frankfurt bred Running Back imprint has made great strides since breaking in 2002.  Todd Terje, Tiger & Woods, Cosmin TRG and Theo Parrish are just a few of the talented artists who have contributed their work to the label’s dynamic release record that is inching into its second decade of being.

Phillip Lauer is no stranger to the Running Back community, charting on the label previously with his original Phillips full length and currently collaborating with Jansen as half of Tuff City Kids.  Helping to close out 2013, Lauer shares a fluid and acidically-disco tinged beauty in Laui XIV.  His four cuts are tonally delightful and steadily paced, taking their time in lush yet direct fashion for that inimitable anticipation we adore in the climb of a mix.

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Artist: Lauer
Title: Laui XIV
Label: Running Back
Release Date: December 16th, 2013
Catalogue #: RB045